September 13, 2005
Spencer gained 8 ounces this week! I'm so proud of him. He is now 7 lbs. 12 oz. Alex gained another 11 ounces, to reach 9 lbs. 11 oz. I've got to get some regular formula for him. The doctor said he doesn't need the extra
calories from the 22 calorie formula anymore. That's obvious...just look at the porker! She said again how impressed she is by how incredibly well they're doing, and believes it has a lot to do with the breast milk. I agree...that and all the love, prayers, and positive energy from the wonderful people in their lives.Both boys are doing well with their OT and PT. The therapists are pleased and so am I. Everyone who takes care of them
is aware of the things they need to work on. It helps that their therapy is incorporated into everyday activities by their caregivers.School is a challenge. I love going to classes, but forcing myself to study when I could be playing with the boys or catching up on housework and paperwork is difficult. It also doesn't leave any "down time" for me to unwind. I'm still adjusting, but I believe I'll get into a routine. It's worth the short-term sacrifice for the long-term gain. With my master's I'll be able to find a job I love and make a better living to provide for my boys.
Oh my god! Look at those boys! They are getting so big!! Glad to hear everything is going so well for them. Hope you get a little break for yourself on the weekends? Take care Heather!
I'm elated that Spencer and Alex are doing so well. What wonderful little miracles you have!!
Keep up the good work, Heather.
Hope you had a great B-day!
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